Dan Kinsey

Born: 1902 in St. Louis, Missouri
Died: June 27, 1970 in Richmond, Indiana
Family: Wife – Dorothy (Gross) Kinsey (died, 1973). Children: Dave (died, 1998); Doug, Dea

Track and football highlights
1924: Olympic gold medalist 110-meter hurdles
1926: Played backfield with Red Grange at U. of Illinois

Coaching highlights
1928-59: Won 18 Ohio Conference titles and had 130-56 won-lost record as Oberlin College cross country coach. Captured 12 Ohio Conference titles and had 124-47 record as Oberlin College track coach
1932-36: Secretary of American Olympians
1949-50: President of the NCAA Cross Country Coaches Association

Halls of fame
1981: Ohio Association of Track and Cross Country Coaches Hall of Fame
1987: Oberlin College Heisman Club

1926: University of Illinois